An Interesting Thought I Read

I was reading somewhere that worship of God and spending time with God is not just about reading the word and praying. It is also when you listen to worship music, think on the things of God, and do things in pursuit or to bring glory to Him. It is not just a narrow set of how you spend your time. I suppose that makes sense because that is the way relationships are with other people too is it not?

You think about them, how you can better interact with them, what kinds of gifts they would like for their presents, and stuff. But also spending time with them going to movies or just hanging out and eating some chips and drinking sodas. Time spent with those you care about is not always about talking about deep stuff, your cares, worries, or anything else. Sometimes it is just being in the presence of one another and just being. I guess it should not have surprised me that would apply to seeking out God.

Just had a speaker come and talk about love, dating, marriage, sex, and singleness at church. It went well I think. There was a good turn out when compared to the other events we have had and this one excelled in that it had a fair number of men as there were women. Usually the audience is mostly or all women and the men are absent. I cannot wait to get the video and sound files to put together the video of the talk!

Posted on July 30, 2018 at 00:00