It has been amazing what God has been doing. My friend whom I talked about in the last post, although a new Christian, has been challenging me in my faith and in my growth. But also, it has become clearer and clearer how faithful God is because even in my struggle to follow Him where I have been failing miserably, He has been in my life.
I am sad however because, although God is faithful, my sins and failures make me deaf to His voice. He has allowed me to speak into other’s lives, but I feel the words ring hollow and convict me. I know I should be pursuing Him more intently than I am, but I find myself struggling with the addictions I have in this life. Technology, television, job hunting, and all the other distractions in life.
In other news, I have been working in my church to start a singles’ ministry and we had our first meeting where our pastor gave a talk about the Christian walk and what God says about singleness. I have been working on editing that video so we can place it online for others to watch and learn.
I am still nervous that I haven’t been able to find a job yet. The interviews came to naught, my applications sometimes feel like they disappear into the black void of the internet. I have come to have a new respect and appreciation for companies that email you back, even when it is to say “You did not make the cut.”
I have also realized that I have been quenching the Holy Spirit by filling myself drunk with the distractions of this world. Leaving the filling of my life and soul anemic with starvation leaving God to the side and filling it with my addictions like gaming and watching old nostalgic shows… I wonder how many others are where I am.
“Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;” Ephesians 5:17-18